inspiration, My Life, Organisational

Positivity In My Planner

I have a section in my planner dedicated to Inspiration. Part of that is everything to do with keeping me positive.

To start with I have my gratitude wheel. I have this at the front as It is my go to thing when I need a bit of a nudge in the right direction and I am feeling sorry for myself.


After this I have my Mission Statement. This is my mission to myself for 2016.


Next I have a list of Affirmations. I need to add some quotes to this too as I currently have them all set up in my Leuchtturm.


I then have my top list for remaining positive. Suffering from depression means that some days are really bad days and it takes a bit more to pull myself up. I like having this list as a quick go to for ideas to try.DSC_0019

Finally I have my life goals map. This is to remind me of the things I want in life. Been positive is a must If I want to achieve even a fraction of these things. It’s always good to remind myself what it is I want and what I have to keep fighting for. This is my purpose!


I am sure this part of my planner will continue to evolve as I find things that give me inspiration and keep my outlook on the up.

Do you have a journal or section dedicated to positivity and/or inspiration?

Thanks for reading

The Stationery Geekette x


5 thoughts on “Positivity In My Planner”

  1. A “Focus and Centering” is actually the first section of my planner. In it are all my affirmations, prayers and things that make me happy. I still need to add a gratitude page or two. It’s a work-in-progress. When my day goes wonky, this is where I go to calm down, refocus, and center myself. In the interest of putting my planner on a diet, I’ve tried taking this section out, but I feel lost without it. For my planner, ‘chubby and happy’ is better than ‘lean and mean’.
    Thank you for your ideas. I especially like the Gratitude Wheel.


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